Coda Museum: Beauty Of The Battle

The Beauty Of The Battle on show in Coda Museum Apeldoorn

Violence, struggle and hatred often evoke disgust. Despite, the combat and its beauty fascinate. For example, if it is depicted in a dance performance or in an art work. In Beauty of the Battle, CODA Museum Apeldoorn confronts the visitor with this contrast. The exhibition explores the boundaries of hate and love, danger and beauty. Beauty of the Battle unites painting, sculpture, performance art, installations and dance. Coda Museum director Carin Reinders cordially invites you to the opening of Beauty of the Battle on Sunday September 30. Find more information on this show at the website of Coda Museum.

Struggle and violence in art

The exhibition takes the visitor through the broad spectrum of violence in the visual arts. Seemingly seeking the motives of man. This has been fascinated by the fight for a long time. We see historical representations of ferocious Japanese warriors from Hokusai. These are displayed alongside rare Indian miniatures of hunting riders. Heroic art is the prelude to contemporary works of art that address contemporary themes. Here you can view some of Patrick Koster’s artworks that were featured in the exhibition.

Inner world versus outer world

In today’s society, the display of violence has become almost normal. Every day we are confronted with brutal violence in the media. Violence is glorified in video games and movies. Closer to home, personal conflicts surrounding identity and sexual orientation or sexual violence play a role. These themes are also discussed on social media. In the sports competitions, the audience enjoys the confrontations between athletes. For the artists in Beauty of the Battle, forms of violence or combat are a source of inspiration. They depict this in their own forms, in their own ways and with their own materials. Sometimes an artist reflects on what is happening in the outside world. Often the own inner world is also the starting point.

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